Operating System - Examples & Function

 Operating System - Examples


This is a very common operating system made by a company called Microsoft. You might have heard of versions like Windows 8 and Windows 10. Most of them you have to pay for.


This operating system is free to use and is loved by many. It's been around since 1991 and has lots of versions like Fedora, OpenSUSE, and Ubuntu.


This is another operating system, like Linux, but it's made by Apple. You'll find it on Apple computers since 2001.


This one is made by Apple too, but it's for iPhones and iPads. It's what makes those devices work.


If you have a smartphone or tablet that's not made by Apple, it probably runs on Android. It's also free and is based on a special kind of Linux.

Some other older operating systems include Solaris, VMS, OS/400, AIX, and z/OS, but you don't hear about them as much these days.

Functions of Operating System

Here are the functions of an operating system in simplified terms:

  • Managing Processes
  • Handling Devices
  • Organizing Files
  • Connecting to Networks
  • Managing Memory
  • Controlling Storage
  • Ensuring Security
  • Interpreting Commands
  • Monitoring Performance
  • Tracking Jobs
  • Detecting and Correcting Errors
  • Coordinating Software and Users

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